News list for " aaron"

OpenAI hires former White House official Aaron Chatterji as chief economist

OpenAI has hired former White House official Aaron Chatterji as its chief economist.

2024-10-22 20:53:37
OpenAI聘请前白宫官员Aaron Chatterji担任首席经济学家

OpenAI聘请前白宫官员Aaron Chatterji担任首席经济学家。

2024-10-22 20:53:37
Liberty advocates launch petition calling for the release and pardon of early bitcoin investor Roger Ver

Freedom advocate Aaron Day has collected 245 signatures for a petition calling for the release and pardon of early bitcoin investor Roger Ver, who faces extradition to the US on charges of tax evasion.

2024-10-16 05:06:24
自由倡导者发起请愿书呼吁释放和赦免比特币早期投资者Roger Ver

自由倡导者 Aaron Day 发起一份请愿书,呼吁释放和赦免比特币早期投资者 Roger Ver,目前已收集到 245 个签名,共需 500 个签名。Ver 因被指控逃税而面临被引渡至美国。

2024-10-16 05:06:24
Ava Labs software engineer Aaron Buchwald will lead the HyperSDK team, with a roadmap to be announced soon

Ava Labs software engineer Aaron Buchwald announced at X that he will lead the HyperSDK (Single Instruction Blockchain Launcher Tool) team, with a roadmap to be announced shortly.

2024-07-30 05:26:35
Ava Labs软件工程师Aaron Buchwald将领导HyperSDK团队,路线图即将公布

Ava Labs软件工程师Aaron Buchwald于X宣布其将领导HyperSDK(单指令区块链启动工具)团队,路线图即将公布。

2024-07-30 05:26:35